Data Privacy Day: Personal Data Protection Guide

Data Privacy Day is observed in every year on 28th January, and it is first observed in 2007 by the Council of Europe. The purpose of the data privacy day is to aware people about protecting their data online and offline.

Here in this post i will share with you some of the best practices of personal data privacy and protection.

Data Privacy Data Personal Data Protection

Never Share Your Personal Information :

Do not share personal information on the Internet. It is a best practice to keep your sensitive information private whether online or offline. Especially never underestimate with your personal details on unsecured websites, gambling websites, lottery websites, survey forms or through unsolicited emails.

Always Use Strong Passwords :

People never give importance to their passwords. Most people choose a very casual or default password which can be a big warning to data security. Here i am sharing with you some rules for stronger passwords.

  • Never use names or easily guessable characters in passwords.
  • Never write down your password anywhere.
  • Always use a strong password which is a mixture of uppercase and lowercase characters, special characters and numbers.
  • Always use at least 8 characters in your password.

Purchase and Use only Authenticate Hardware Devices :

Beware of using a low quality or unknown brand hardware devices. Whenever you decided to purchase a computer, laptop or phone, make sure it is of a well-known brand. And before purchasing your device read all the details about your device. Also collect and compare information about the device from various shops or online retailers.

Avoid using free Wifi Networks :

Try to avoid using free or public wifi networks. Because cyber-criminals can use various tricks to steal your data when you are accessing the network. Especially never access to your financial data when you are connected with a public wifi.

Beware of Malicious Applications :

When installing any application on your computer or phone check about the details of the application. Whether the application is from a trusted source or check about the company that build the application. When installing apps on your phone always careful about providing access permission to the apps. If it is asking for unnecessary access to any data then the app might be a malicious applications.

Always Keep Backup of your Data :

Always keep backup of your data on a external storage device. Because there are many malicious applications that can hack or delete your data. For example a Ransomeware can hijack your data and demands money to recover it. So it is a best practice to keep copy of your data on external storage devices.

Encrypted Data is always Safe from Security Threats :

It is not safe to store your id’s, passwords and personal details on your computer,  laptop or phone. But when you encrypted your data, it can’t be read without decrypting it. It means the data get converted into a unreadable form and only be read by a decryption key that only you know. So even if the data mistakenly goes to a wrong hand it cannot be read.

Avoid Accessing any Phishing mail or Links :

Never response to phishing advertisement or mails. Most of the people leak their private information by using phishing links. Remember never share your name, Id, Date of birth, address, bank details or any personal details by responding to a phishing link.

For example, If you get a mail from unknown source about winning of money and asking for your bank details to send the money, then it might be a phishing mail. Always try to avoid this kind of phishing emails and report it to the right authority.

Keep Your Devices Locked :

Always keep your devices locked. Because you store information in your device about you and your friends, parents, relatives etc. So it is always important to safeguard your information from unauthorized access.

Use Pin, Fingerprints or password on your phone or PC to secure your data from unauthorized access. Remember pattern lock is not a secure technique to lock your device.

Use Antivirus Software for your Device :

It is recommended to use a good quality antivirus software for your phone or PC. Because when you use a updated antivirus software it will help you to prevent against latest malicious applications and will keep your data safe.