How to Create a Strong Password

It is always a best practice to choose a strong and secure password to protect your information that stored digitally. To create a strong password you can use a trusted password generator, password manager or password checker tools available on the internet. But the best practice is to create your password manually. And To create a strong password you just need to follow some simple rules.

Here is a step by step guide to create a strong and secure password for your digital accounts.

Some basic things about Password

create strong password

At first you need to know, What actually password is? Also about its importance, and, why or where to use passwords?

password is “secret of your secrets“.

It means whatever personal information(secrets) you stored in your digital world; should be protected with a lock, and that lock is the “password”. And the key to that lock should be only available to you, that means to the legitimate user.

Why we use passwords?

We use a password to protect our valuable files, online accounts, emails, bank accounts, personal information, financial data and applications. We use a password so that the information that is very much important or private to us should not get leaked.

So, in short, passwords are used to secure digital information from unauthorized access.

It is always recommended to choose your password manually by following certain rules. And by following these rules you could make your password strong and secure enough so that it gets hard to be crack by a human or by any password cracking tools.

Rules for Creating a Strong and Secure Password

1. Use at least 8 to 12 characters in your password

In recent days most of the companies on the internet recommend their user to use at least 8 characters in their password. It is a good practice. But remember as long your password is, the harder it will become to crack. Because if you made your password complex and long then it becomes hard and time-consuming for hackers and password cracking tools to reveal it.

2. Use both upper case and lower case characters

Using a mixture of upper case and lower case characters will make your password case sensitive. So it becomes hard for a human/system to guess or find out the password appropriately.

3. Use numbers and special characters in password

Using numbers and special characters will give you an added security to your password. You can use various special characters like; @ # $ & * and etc. to make your password strong.

4. Never write down your password anywhere

Writing down your password is very much similar to disclosing it unknowingly. It is not a good practice to write your password anywhere offline or online.

5. Never use easily guessable characters in password

Try to avoid using easily guessable characters, words or keyboard patterns in your password. Your password should be unique and impossible to guess.

Most people are seen using names or any dictionary words in the password which is not a good practice. Remember, advanced password cracking tools available on the internet uses random dictionary words and common phrases to crack passwords.

6. Never use same password for multiple platforms

Always use different passwords for multiple accounts or applications you use on the internet. Especially always use unique passwords for platforms that contains all your personal and important information like; email, bank accounts, digital lockers and financial information related accounts.

Why you should use a different password for different application?

Remember the platforms and applications we are using in our daily life are very much related to each other. Like; it is common that if a person is using social media, most probably he has an email account, that is used to register on social media sites. So, if you use the same password for email & social media accounts then a hacker who might get your social media account password can also be able to access your email. And just think how dangerous it could be if someone have access to your email where all your important information (Login ID, password, OTP) are sent & received.

So, it is also a safe practice to choose different password for different accounts.

I hope these guides will help you to create a strong & secure password and to protect your data from unauthorized access.

“The more stronger your Password is, the more secure you are in the Digital World”.