How to Start a Blog and Make Money Blogging

Did you know that you can easily start a professional looking blog to make money blogging by displaying advertisements, doing affiliate marketing, or through direct selling?

In this beginner tutorial you will learn how to start a blog and make money to earn a handsome income by just working from your home.

How to Start a Blog and Make Money Blogging

Before getting started with this tutorial, you should have basic concept about how to use a Computer and the Internet.

If you are not familiar with computer technology and the Internet, here is the tutorial for Basic Computer Knowledge and Internet Usage.


This tutorial is divided into three major parts; Starting a Blog, Promoting your Blog, and finally How to make money blogging. Now without wasting a single minute tighten your seat belt and give a flying start to build your blog.

1. How to Start a Blog

Pick a Topic for Your Blog

If you need quick success with blogging then you should pick a topic that you are specialized in or loved to write on it. There are different types of niche you can choose from like tech, fashion, health, education, entertainment, movies, politics & more. But if you are comfortable writing on general niches then you can cover all of these in your blog.

Choose a Blogging Platform

There are two major blogging platforms available for you Google Blogger and WordPress. Both of these platforms allow you to create a free blog with a subdomain address like or Later you can also buy a top level domain and add it to your blog.

If you want to go to the freeway then check this guide on: How to Create a Blog for Free and Make Money on Google Blogger.

But, if you have a bigger plan to earn some serious money from blogging then you should go for self-hosted WordPress, an open source content management system by since 2003. To start with self-hosted WordPress you need a domain and hosting to run your website online. You can check this article How to Create a WordPress Website or can continue reading because we will cover in detail all these in the next points of this article.

Pick a Domain Name

Getting a custom domain for your blog is one of the most important parts at the very beginning of your blogging journey. You can choose a domain with .com, .net, .info, .org. and other tlds. But we will recommend you to choose .com because it is the most popular one. Here you can check Best Domain Name Registrar to Buy a Domain. When registering your domain you can check the history of the domain with a free tool called Wayback Machine to know how it is used before.

Choose a Hosting Provider

Getting hosting is like buying land before building a home. There are thousands of website hosting providers available online. If you need a guide to hosting a WordPress blog or website where you can check this tutorial: How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting

Optimize Your Blog

Optimizing your blog is the last and one of the most vital steps when setting up your blog for the first time. To give your blog a professional look you can pick a theme that suitable for your blog. Check the most popular WordPress themes.

Also, you can use any popular drag and drop WordPress page builders to easily build a great looking website with the functions and look you need and without hiring a developer.

2. How to Promote Your Blog for Traffic

SEO Optimization

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the most popular technique to drive traffic to your blog. If your blog becomes SEO optimized then it will appear in various search results in Google, Bing, and other popular search engines which helps to drives visitors to your blog.

Relationship Building

Relationship building is very much important if you are new to blogging and want to increase the visibility of your blog. To get visitors and popularity you can start following and interacting with other bloggers who are related to your niche.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is a technique that helps bloggers to promote their blog through another popular blog, website, or channel. Bloggers write content and share it with another blog as a guest post and within it, they mention their brand name or make a link back to their site to gain popularity.

Link Building

Link building is an effective technique to get massive traffic to your blog. Bloggers choose authority platforms, news sites, & big brands to get quality backlinks to their site.

Email Marketing

You can always use email marketing with the other marketing techniques to give some extra boost to your site traffic. You can easily stay connected with your followers by sending them exclusive content and new post notification by email.

3. How to Make Money Blogging

Display Advertising

Display advertising is the most popular method to monetize a blog. Bloggers all around the world using Google AdSense or as a publisher to display advertising on their blogs. You will be getting paid when visitors visit or click the ads displayed on your site. If you just launched your blog I highly recommend you to get ads on your blog, display them in various areas of your site, and get paid for it.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most profitable methods to make money from your blog. In affiliate marketing, you just need to share the product or services offered by a company and when someone completes an action like sign up or make an order on these products or services,  you will get a commission from it. There are many popular bloggers available online from various parts of the world who have selected affiliate marketing to earn money from blogging.

Direct Selling

Direct selling is the selling of your own goods or services like; eBooks, software, handmade items, or any other services through your blog. To directly sell any item or service through your blog you need to be unique in your offerings.


That’s it. I hope you read the whole post and ready to start a blog to make money. If you need more help on blogging you can follow my blog for more updated help guides and updates. And always remember that in blogging continuity is the key to success.