
Hi! I’m Sukanta, the man behind WideBinary.


WideBinary is a website where I provide technology blogging, website and marketing tips to increase productivity.

I’ve several years of experience working in web technology, website development, WordPress & marketing. WideBinary is different from other tech sites because of the following reasons;

  • I provide website and marketing guides to maximize your productivity
  • I always tell the truth about applications, services, and gadgets, highlighting their advantages and disadvantages

So, if you are looking for a one-stop resource for blogging, website, WordPress, marketing, tech, computing and gadgets, WideBinary is the right place for you.

Want to Discuss about Blogging, website management, WordPress? Join this Facebook Group.

If you don’t have enough time to do all these you can check my web design and development service WebRangoon.

How can WideBinary help you?

  • I’ve been helping people with guides, tricks, questions and answers, graphics, etc.
  • I publish useful and informative content 
  • I honest about my reviews and picks

If you’re someone who is passionate about websites, blogging, WordPress, tech and wants to learn useful tips and tricks to implement it efficiently in your work – WideBinary is the perfect platform for you.