How to Backup and Restore Wordpress Site with Plugins or Manually [Wordpress Backup]

wordpress backup

Wordpress backup is one of the most important thing Wordpress site owners should be concerned about.

Here in this tutorial you will learn some of the best ways to backup Wordpress site.

The most important part of your Wordpress site is your database and all other files related to your content, themes, plugins that you are using. Backing up these important files and database will not only help you to store your site data and content in a safe place but, also helps you to quickly restore Wordpress site to a previous date and time.

Wordpress sites can be back up automatically (using plugins) or manually (using tools like FTP & phpMyAdmin). But the most hassle free way to back up your Wordpress site is by using plugins.

Automatic Backup Using Plugins

Jetpack Backup (Formerly Vaultpress)


Jetpack backup is one of the best wordpress backup plugin by Automattic, the creator of which provides worry free Wordpress backup service.

With Jetpack backup you can automatically create backups and can easily restore or migrate to your Wordpress site.

Jetpack Backup provides real time and daily backup solutions for any business sites and blogs.

You Check the details and plans about Jetpack backup here.

Manual Backup

To manually backup your Wordpress site you need to keep copy of the two most important part of your Wordpress site which is the files and the database. And all of the Wordpress site images, themes, plugins, and other important files are actually stored into the wp-content folder.


You can use any trusted FTP clients to copy the wp-content folder and store it on your computer.


To backup Wordpress site database you can use phpMyAdmin on your site to get a copy of your .sql database file.


When you are manually backup your Wordpress site it is also an added safety to keep a backup of two other important files; wp-config.php and .htaccess which contains your current Wordpress configuration and web server configuration details. You can use FTP to copy these files on your computer.

That’s it.

If you have any questions or comments about Wordpress backup please post them below.